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Русская версия


Sea related.

AV-Count for DOS (Version 7.08) - program to calculate Radio Deductions.

Small utility for Radio calculations. Download program

AV-Count for Windows (Version 8.06) - next step of accounting program. Due to Windows possibilities program now became better and more comfortable. Download Part 1 Part 2 manual

Av-SuperHub Viewer (Version 3.0) - viewer of Super-Hub session log-files. Now you can configure ship's name. Also HOST-file creation procedure was simplified.In version 3.0 was added a possibility to find and show last NON-empty session, which could be very important. Download

Av-Watcher (Version 1.3) - this program tells you instantly whether selected directories contain some files. New version support up to 54 directories. Get the program

Atari ST-related.

AV-Roland (Version 1.1) - first program to read sound libraries and banks of synth Roland D-20, created by Synthworks-program for Atari ST.(Was continued as program AV-D20 Reader for Windows.)


AV-D20 Reader for Windows (Version 3.1) - extended and advanced reincarnation of AV-Roland program - to read sound libraries and banks of synth Roland D-20, created by editors SynthWorks and CagedArt's for Atari ST and scan those files for errors. In version 3.1 added support of native Synthworks semantic files *.SEM, and also showing/saving/printing of sound list from supported sound banks and libraries.


D20CS (Version 2.1) - little extension to previous program with extended possibilities to work with libraries/banks sounds control sum.

Link to program

AvROM (Version 2.9.6) - small TOS (Atari OS) Images viewer. Support native TOS images, byte-swapped images and official releases of EmuTOS images up to the latest ones.

CagedArt File Fixer (Version 1.3) - in the 90-s while worked with cracked version of CagedArt sound editor, we broke lots of sound banks. This utility can recover the broken banks.

AvFonts (Version 4.2) - allows to view LVA- and GDOS-fonts and to convert between them. Here is it... In version 3.0 added possibility to set font name while converting LVA->GDOS fonts and Geneva-fonts support. Compatible Geneva- and Degas Elite fonts were added to attached Atari fontc collection. Since version 4.0 were involved keyboard layout files. We can convert keyboard files between LVA *.KBD and MiNT based files *.TBL . Now also remember last working directory.



PetRUS (Version 1.2) -chargen-file editor (such a files contain fonts for Commodore emulator).

Here is the program.

Palm OS-related.

PalmRUS (Version 1.0) -Palm OS 4 and Palm OS 5 font binaries viewer. Support low-rez and hi-rez fonts.

Here is the program.

All other.

Av-Filter (Version 2.4) - further development of Av-SuperHub Viewer - now we can take useful information from a big raw file using beginning and finishing marks.

Here is a program.

Av-Multi (Version 1.0) - joke. File multiplier. Takes any file and add its copy to the end several times.

Av-Dict (Version 2.3) - Severe program (can work for a very long time !). Takes text file and convert it into the dictionary XDXF and by the way can exclude repeating strings.

Av-Pingalo (Version 3.0) - Check Internet connection by permanent pinging www.google.com and www.yandex.ru . In Test Mode simulates no connection. Maintained Internet failure log and automatically save it on daily basis and on exit. Shows daily Internet connection loss.

Program is here.

Av-TimeCatcher (Version 1.3) - Program catching and logging all PC time jumps more that 1 minute.

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